Exceptional quality shepherds

As I am Cindy’s daughter some may be skeptical about my ability to remain impartial in my testimony. Rest assured that in all things, I say it like I see it! I have helped mom over the past many years in her breeding adventure. From researching potential dogs for years (and I mean a lot of years!) before purchasing her first breeding pair, to playing midwife when pups are arriving, she has relied on me often for help. I happen to be entirely too picky when it comes to choosing a breeding prospect animal! After years of watching her through this process, the one thing that has repeatedly struck true to me is that she has very high standards and will not compromise her breeding morals for something easier, or flashier, or cheaper! She has stuck to her convictions and because of that she has had to find homes for some really amazing dogs because they didn’t quite meet her breeding standards. As a result, the dogs that she produces are exceptional in temperament, conformation, and overall health and longevity! Despite all of the litters I helped raise and my confidence in my moms breeding practices, I had never kept a pup all these years. I mostly attributed it to the fact that the German shepherd is just not “my” breed. Last fall one of her young adult pups was returned to her because his owners lives changed. He’s a nice looking dog but I didn’t think much of him… at first. I took him to work with me one day to show him to a potential new home. After we had spent a couple hours getting to know each other I made the decision not to call the interested person, this dog had an AMAZING temperament!! Well now fozzie is officially my boy! He is sensitive, energetic, loyal, protective, intelligent, all of the desired qualities of the GSD. He also has exceptional conformation and color and he turns a lot of heads when we are out and about. Now that I own one of Mom’s amazing pups I can say with all honesty that she doesn’t charge nearly enough for the incredible quality dogs that she produces! Lucky for you, one of her goals as a breeder is to produce the highest quality GSD at a price that anyone can afford! I could not be prouder of my moms GSD breeding program! Rest easy knowing every Angelday shepherd is extensively temperament and health tested, they really are some of the nicest dogs available in the US!